Who are we?
Twogether Digital is a digital marketing agency in Birmingham that focuses on providing a holistic approach to business growth. Supporting B2B businesses all over the UK, we use our three-point framework as the basis for all that we do. Our SEO-friendly websites show how great you are, rank well online and generate enquiries for your business.
What we do
- Website development workshop
- Website design & development
- Website hosting & maintenance
- Copywriting
- Website audits
- Website content creation
- Link building
- SEO Campaigns
SEO Consultancy
How we’ve helped
Our Framework
Our KnowShowGrow framework guarantees long-term sustainable growth for your business. Our transparent, concise plan gives you an excellent return on your investment.
KNOW your brand
Know who you are, what you’re selling & who you’re selling to
SHOW on your website
Show the benefits, build trust, answer objections & eliminate risk
GROW using seo
Optimise for search, warm up leads and grow your enquiry rate
What problem are you having? This is how we’d solve it
Website not generating enquiries
This is a very common issue we come across. Our team would begin by conducting a website audit to determine what the problem would be. We would start off looking at the “big picture” - your branding, website quality and onsite/offsite optimisation. Based on this analysis, we’d dive deeper into the areas that seem to be causing the most problems. Our recommendations would then be based on the results of these deeper SEO and content audits.
Low organic traffic
Our team would begin by conducting an SEO audit. This would help us pinpoint what aspect of SEO you may be struggling with. Maybe your keyword density is low? Or it could be a weak backlink profile. Whatever the cause, we’d then develop a plan on how to fit it!
Your website doesn’t match your business
Just like people, companies change over time. It happens so easily! When the website you threw together when your business opens just doesn’t properly encapsulate your current business model or values, our Know Workshop can help. We’ll work with you to encapsulate your new brand vision and mission before using it as a basis for your new website design.
What our clients say

What we promise
- Whitehat SEO practices. Reduce the risk of penalties. All of our practices are within Google’s guidelines.
- Real website traffic. We won't use tricks like bots to generate traffic - everyone who visits the website will be genuine.
- Real writers. Although we occasionally use AI to help, all our content is written and edited by humans.
- Speak direct. You won’t be passed around from account handler, to account handler.
- Generous. We don't operate a "work to rule" principle. We aim to be generous with our time and resources.
- Results that last. Our aim is for you to have long-term sustainable growth.
A digital marketing agency in Birmingham
Twogether Digital is an independent local digital marketing agency in Birmingham. Our team are all Birmingham-based. We love Brum and champion family-run local businesses in the area. Situated in the south of our great city, you’ll often find our fully remote agency members frequenting local indie coffee shops in Kings Heath, Kings Norton and Moseley. Want to support local businesses? Then look no further for digital marketing services in Birmingham!
Why partner with us
- Are you tired of digital marketing companies that take your money but do not deliver results?
- Fed up with not knowing what work is being done for you and how it helps.
- Do you get frustrated talking to account handlers and not those actually doing the work?
- Do you need enquiries but just don’t know where to start?
We hear you.
You need to know precisely what you are paying for, the results you are getting, and how it’s helping your business grow.
No middlemen, just you and us working together every step of the way.
- We are a two person team with the skillset of a multi-disciplined agency.
- You work directly with us as we apply our framework to your business, walking with you every step of the way.
- Our agency is fully remote, meaning you pay for the work, not a fancy office.
- No fluff, no jargon, fully transparent, results driven.
- We work with you as your partners to grow your business. Your success is our reward.
Some of our projects
Why do we take a holistic approach to digital marketing?
You can easily get a website for £300 off some bloke abroad! But, will it completely encapsulate your vision and connect with your target audience? We think not. Even if your website does convey your brand identity, will it help convert users into leads? If it’s not well designed, possibly not. And how can you first reach your audience if your website is poorly optimised for search engines? You can’t. You need all three areas - brand, website and SEO - to be working together for your website to generate enquiries.
Our three-point framework ensures that all three areas are top-notch, meaning your website turns into a machine that works hard for you. If you’re looking for a digital marketing company in Birmingham that sees your website as part of a larger marketing machine, then we’re a good fit for you.
What is our pricing plan?
We offer a mixture of one-off solutions and retainers. We aim to fit our pricing plan to your needs, to make things as cost-effective as possible.
Why don’t you have an office?
Because it makes things cheaper for you! We can offer high-quality digital marketing services at a cost that suits most SMEs because our team is fully remote. You’re not paying for a digital marketing company’s electricity bill or fancy staff coffee machine - all the money goes towards paying the people who do the work you need.
Do you use AI to write your content?
AI is here to stay, that’s just the reality of the modern world. We do use AI to help us plan content and even draft individual paragraphs. But, we never just copy and paste AI content and present it to you as if “we’ve” done it. AI can only regenerate content based on what’s already out there on the web. We aim to interview our clients to uncover unique insights and opinions that will make their content truly reflect their brand and expertise.
How many people are on your team?
Hannah and John do the majority of the work. Hannah focuses on SEO and content, whereas John completes most design and website development work. We use a team of independent freelancers to support in some aspects of our digital marketing services in Birmingham, but everything is passed through Hannah and John before being sent for approval. Our freelancers work solely for us and follow our SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). This ensures that all their work meets our high standards and is based on our best practices.
How do you ensure consistency?
We love a good SOP! A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a working document that details the best practices for every activity that we undertake for our clients. Hannah and John have developed these SOPs over the years, and all our team members follow them. Hannah and John then edit and review the work to ensure it’s in line with the standards we expect.
Are you a family-run business?
Yes, we do consider ourselves to be a family-run digital marketing company in Birmingham. Twogether Digital consists of a husband and wife team and operates remotely.
Our amazing partners
Twogether Digital took the time to really understand our company and what we wanted to achieve. We couldn't be happier with the result! We would definitely recommend the team if you're looking for someone who is professional, creative, honest and brings your vision to life!
Leeza Paszkowski, Business Manager
Qubic Carpentry Solutions
[The website]'s attracting high-profile [client's] which is what I want.
Carl Gauntlett, MD and Founder of Just Catering
Just Catering
Our experience with Twogether couldn't be more different than our last digital marketing agency, they took the time to get to know our business and provided a thorough SEO service, with great attention to detail, quickly identifying our needs.
Izzy McGrath, Cleaning Technique Ltd
Cleaning Technique
We found working with Twogether Digital really easy... We noticed a big increase in website traffic... A lot more enquiries are coming through - a really positive impact so far.
Matthew Conway, MD of NDT Group
NDT Group
The ultimate strategy for more website leads
Would you like more enquiries through your website?
Our ultimate strategy reveals the framework and strategies we use to increase our client’s enquiries and revenue.